gated prey book cover

Books – Review of Gated Prey by Lee Goldberg – 2021 – Badass Cop Novel

gated prey book cover
Gated Prey Book Cover

Book Review – Gated Prey by Lee Goldberg – Exciting Read

My Rating – 4 out of 5

Plot Summary (Storyline) – Gated Prey

Another series about Los Angeles Police, only this time it is not LAPD but LASD – the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. Our main protagonist is Eve Ronin, a young detective with fantastic instincts about investigative work, and her soon to retire partner, Duncan Pavone. Eve is much disliked among the rank and file of the department. It has to do with her taking down a few corrupt deputies, and one of them committed suicide in shame. But her unpopularity within the department is in complete contrast with popularity online, where her adventures have made her a minor celebrity, with a TV series scheduled to be aired soon based on her past exploits.

And that just adds to her infamy within the department but Eve couldn’t really be bothered about it, she is too focused on her work, so much so that she foregoes rest and sleep to get closer to solving a case. Currently, she is working undercover with Duncan, pretending to be an uber-rich couple living in a sprawling house within the gated community of Calabasas. They have set themselves up as bait to catch a trio of home invaders and robbers, who target the rich within these gated communities. Right on cue, the robbers come to their house but it quickly escalates into a fire-fight, which kills two of the robbers.

Lee Goldberg introduces Eve Ronin’s residence in Gated Prey

While Eve and Duncan are feted for solving the case quickly, Eve is convinced that the case is far from solved, and the three had more help than is apparent. While she continues to dig deep into the slain robbers’ lives, another case drops into their lap uninvited. Anna McCaig, a super-rich housewife from the same gated community, reports a still-birth and that has to be inspected and reported as such by LASD detectives. But Eve quickly characterizes it as a fetal homicide and medical tests confirm her suspicion. Though Anna feigns innocence, Eve is convinced that she is somehow connected to it all. Eve has to utilize all her famed detecting skills and instinct to solve both her cases.

Meanwhile, the family of the deputy who had committed suicide earlier is suing Eve and the Sheriff’s department to the tune of $10 million in damages, claiming Eve and the department cornered and forced him into taking his life. While the department is going to settle out-of-court with them, they are also going to let Eve hang in the wind, to fight her own battle. That is so patently unfair as Eve went where the anti-corruption investigation took her and rid the department of this plague, now the department is willing to sacrifice her for the sake of politics and optics. Eve would potentially be bankrupt if she has to settle out-of-court or if she loses the case.

gated prey book cover
Gated Prey Book Cover

Conclusion – Book Review of Gated Prey

It is an exciting read from beginning to end, the pace never letting go. Eve is an alluring character, the shining star in a sea of hostility, and few friends within the department. Her tale of being the underdog in the world of bullies warms the cockles of your heart. Thankfully, her partner Duncan is among the few who resolutely stand by her, recognizing the fire and brilliance within her. She is not a superhero but Eve Ronin‘s focus, determination, and perseverance make her a standout Cop and a very likable protagonist.

A series (this is the third installment) that is very addictive, Gated Prey is recommended as a must-read for all fans of the crime fiction genre and police procedurals and you would instantly fall in love with the character of Eve Ronin. Unfortunately, her partner Duncan is set to retire soon, and it would be interesting to see what direction author Lee Goldberg gives to the next installments of the series.

gated prey author lee goldberg
Gated Prey author Lee Goldberg

*I hope you have enjoyed reading this book review as much as I have enjoyed writing this! Do watch this space for more such reviews and navigate through the links below for more… Thank you!! *

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2 responses to “Books – Review of Gated Prey by Lee Goldberg – 2021 – Badass Cop Novel”

  1. Lee Goldberg avatar

    Thanks for the great review! Don’t worry, Duncan is back in MOVIELAND, Eve Ronin #4, in June!

    1. AniM avatar

      Thank you! Look forward to it!!

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